Wonder Me!
Drug class: GABA derivative
Drug name: preGABAlin
Mech.: GABA
Use: partial seizures

Drug name mnemonics: Prego-GABA
Drug use mnemonics: Prego-GABA is also a beloved 'child' of the GABA doorkeeper. He loves it. He uses it like a fire hose to cover the detonators in bloody colored battlefield that intimidates them and makes them unable to fire (all wet) any small explosives (partial seizures). It's only small explosives (partial seizures) because with the big one, prego is not enuf to actually prevent the detonation of the big explosives (tonic-clonic) - unlike GABApentin ($$$ speaks louder than foods because $$$ can buy a whole lot more foods than just prego)

Prego-GABA ==> eats too much => GAG = GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
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