Wonder Me!
Dystonia---- DYS-tO-nia (DYSCO)---abnormal tonicity (head & neck)  such as torcolitis  
Akathisia ----Aka-THIS-ia (At THIS)----- feeling of inner restlessness ---restless compulsive movements such as pacing, shifting, tapping feet .... Viz.: THIS, this this this, the dean DA keeps tapping her hands on the desk trying to think how to get the univ. which is in the trouble back to work.
Pseudo-Parkinsonism---pseudo-PARKinsonism (PARK)--- reversible


If too much of the high potency drugs (such as HaloPeridol which tries to get rid of the dean DA from the pyramid). This hits the dean DA hard. The dean falling from the pyramid down the ground causing the dean to have torcollitis (DYStonia).

This horrible incident can cause the dean DA to really leave the university causing the university to be not working or functining or moving forward with life (motion movement disorder). Thus, it causes the entire univ. to play disco like it is at a park

Note: High potency neuroleptics/antipsychotics such as haloperidol is more like to cause EPS (extrapyramidal syndrome) than older more sedating and less potency drugs such as the phenothiazines (-azine drugs) such as chlorpromazine, thioridazinea 


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