Wonder Me!
1.carbamezepine, oxcarbazepine, eslicarbazepineTricyclic compounds; Fatal derm rxns (SJS/TEN) ===> Test for HLA-B*1502 prior to therapy
2.clobazamDrug class: BZD; Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
3.clonazepamAbsence seizures; Drug class: BZD; Myoclonic seizures:
4.Clorazapateadjunct for complex partial sz (adults);
5.Diazepam/LorazepamDrug class: BZD; status epilepticus
6.Ezogabine/Retigabinevision loss, refractory seizures
7.felbamatedrug of last choice for partial seizures (Black box of fatal hepatoxic) - Not administered until a complete discussion of the risks; patient/parent/guardian & the physician sign acknowledgment form
8.fosphenytoinDosed in phenytoin equivalents; has a blackbox warning: may cause hypotension/arrhythmia ==> cannot give too fast: giving too fast
9.Gabapentinadjunct for partial & tonic-clonic;
10.Lacosamidemono or adjunct for partial seizures; Na channel; Scheduled: V
11.lamotriginelife-threatening rash; Na channel agent; adjunct for Lennox Gastaut, partial & tonic-clonic seizures
12.Levetiracetamminimal drug-drug effects; adjunct for partial & generalized
13.PentobarbitalBarbituate; refractory seizures
14.Perampanelserious/life-threatening psych. & behavioral issues, adjunct for partial
15.Phenytointreat all seizures but absence
Mech: sodium
Common side effects: rash, nausea, gingival hyperplasia, neuro (ataxia, diplopia, nystagmus)
Serious side effects: hepatotoxicity & myelosuppression
Monitoring: drug-drug (cyp450-hepatotoxicity), drug levels
16.Pregabalinpartial seizures; Mech.: GABA
17.PrimidoneBarbituate; generalized tonic-clonic seizures, partial seizures; metabolized to barbitals
18.RufinamideNa channel agents; Lennox-Gastaut syndrome adjunct;
19.tiagabineadjust dose for hepatic functions; adjunct of partial seizures
20.Topiramatebaseline serum bicarb & eGFR before therapy; dose adjustment for renal impairment; partial, generalized, Lennox Gastaut
21.Valproic acidprimary for generalized & partial seizures; several drug-drug interaction levels => monitor drug levels
22.VigabentrinVision Loss => REMs, available only thru SHARE special programs; GABA derivatives
23.Zonisamidecheck for sulfa allergy (sulfonamide allergies); adjunct for generalized or partial seizures; Sodium agents
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