Wonder Me!
II – Bile Acids Binders
Cholestyramine, Colesevelam, Colestipol
∴Binds to bile acids in the colon (intestines) => reduce bile acids available => negative feedbacks => liver tries to get more cholesterol to make bile acids => removes cholesterol from blood (cholesterol catabolism)

Mnemonics for mech.: the coast guard, the servant, and the Interpol of the colon work to bind to the bile acids that prevent the criminals (Cholesterol) from coming ashore (out from the intestines)

Cholestyramine ---- CHOLEST-styramine
Colesevelam --------COLES-evelam
Colestipol (Colestid)  ----COLEST-ipol---
Mnemonics – the drugs all have choles or coles in it => they work to lower Cholesterol

Cholestyramine ---- CHOL-est-styramine---COLON-coast-guard-STYMIES-
Colesevelam --------COL-es-evelam--------COLON-e-servant-lam
Colestipol (Colestid)  ----COL-est-ipol--------- COLON-Inte-POL

Mnemonics- the drugs start with 'chol' meaning they work in the colon
Once you know their mode of action, you can figure out what happens to the VLDL, LDL, & HDL.

Side effects (GI): constipation, dyspepsia, bloating, stomach cramps, abdominal distension, obstruction
Why it works: bc they work at the Colon => you can imagine, lots of GI problems => may create malsorption of fat-soluble vitamins because they won’t bind to bile acids => create malsorption of A-D-E-K vitamins

Mnemonics for fat-soluble vitamins: "the fat cat is in the ADEK". In this scenario, the word "fat" should remind you that the grouping is of fat-soluble vitamins, with ADEK representing the first letter of each.

Contraindicated when TG > 300 mg/dL
Mnemonics for TG>300: when the trio gangsters of 300lbs => tri = 300 => the trio gangsters know that the criminals (cholesterols) are being attacked. They know the Interpol, the coast-guards stigmies, and the servants are weakend because they are focusing on the those guys. Therefore, the trio gangsters will become stronger. When they exceed their 300lbs, they are so dangerous that the Interpol can’t be used on the colon anymore.

Use in adjunct => of course, these intepols, servants & coast guard stygmies need help from the vast-statues to really have huge and big effects not just at the colon but also right at the jail (liver)
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