Wonder Me!
- Photosensitivity  ----(all agents)
- Sexual dysfunction ----(all agents, may lead to inadherence)
- EKG changes, QT prolonged -------(all agents => ekg baseline in 50 y/o)
- Hypotension - orthostatic-----(all but some are more; titrate dose carefully)
- Sedation----(mostly the -zine drugs)
- ESP--------------------(non-zine neuroleptics)
- Metabolic (diabetes, weight gain)---(-done & -apine drugs, atypical newer drugs)
- Tardive dyskinesia----(may not be reversible)
- Anticholinergic side effects ----(agents with more EPS less anticholinergics => -non-zine has no anticholinergics usu.)
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome ----(usu. due to parenteral, organic mental disorders, or physical exhaustion/dehydration)
- Agranulocytosis (increased risk for fatal infxn)--- (clonzapine monitoring for wbc weekly/1st 6 mo.)

(1) http://www.aafp.org/afp/2010/0301/p617.html
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