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HelpHippo: Help support the Hippocratic Oath

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Anti-fat drugs can be remembered by:"It's Easy, Believing Cholesterol-Reducing Statins, Never Ever, Fast Together."It's easy" means "intestine" and ezetimibe. Ezetimibe blocks cholesterol absorption atthe small intestine.it's the easy way to prevent cholesterol absoprtion because there's only TWO actors: the intestineand the drug."Believing cholesterol" means: Bile and coles-name.Bile surrounds fat and the bile-fat complex gets in to the body.Blocking bile is the hard way to prevent cholesterol absorptionbecause there are THREE actors: the intestine, the drug, and the bile.These Bile acid resins have "coles"-at the start of their name"Reducing statins" means: Statins are Inhibitors of HMG Co-A Reductaseso the liver can't make cholesterol."Never ever" means Niacin and Very-Low Density Lipoprotein.Niacin is Vitamin B3 (See our B vitamin mnemonic video)and VLDL transports fat around the body.Fast ToGether means Fibrates decrease TriGlycerides.Pause and ReviewHelpHippo: Help support the Hippocratic Oath
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