Wonder Me!
Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor
Mech.: inhibit absorption of cholesterol by the small intestine

Mnemonics for mech.:
-       I just think of it acting according to the EZest mechanism out there. The drug doesn't bother entering the blood, hepatocytes, or endothelial cells; it just stays in the GI and does its work there.
History background: At first, when this drug first come out, it was thought to be sooo cool. This is bc while vastatin only lower cholesterol by 6%. This drug is able to lower by like 80% of triglycerides alone. Using with vastatin, if you need to increase dosage for the right effect, it would be double triple the dose running the higher side effects => stocks went sky high for the drugs. However, after the RCT’s showed that the drugs does not really have any great outcomes despite its mechanism, stocks plummetted
Mnemonics for name: E-z-e-timid-tribe => the easy timid tribe takes up only a small areas = small intestines. It’s so timid = not much needed to get the criminals away. It’s a tribe trying to get the criminals (cholesterol) away from its small intestines land bc they don’t want any criminals on their land.

Therefore => Use:
- in combo w/ vastatin  when pts unable to achieve target LDL: ezetimabide/simvastatin
- Or, in pt intolerant w/ vastatin

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