Wonder Me!


  •  dec. Dopamine-----(Viz. DA = grease for movement)
  •  Cholinergic dominates

Symptoms (triad) = dz of motion

  • tremor (resting)
  • rigidity
  • bradykinesia

Tx mech.:
  • inc. Dopamine
  • block cholinergic 
Drug therapy:
1 - DA
2 - DA agonist: Bromocriptine & Pex got pin (Pramipexole, Rotigotine & Ropinirole)
3 - MAO-I
4 - COMT-I
5 - Amantadine
6 - Anti-Cholinergic

Drug name therapy:

1 - DA ----(dopey dean)
  • Carbidopa/Levodopa (Lazy dean and his car)
Mech.: metabolized to DA (Lazy dean becaomes Dopey dean when he gets out of his car)
  • Most effective
  • >75y/o
  • COMT/MAOI = longer effects
Side effects:
  • Hallucinations --------(too much DA grease)
  • Dyskinesia -------------(too much DA grease ---> weird movements)
  • Arrythmias ------------(too much DA grease----> heart beats too werid too fast too much)
  • GI upset ---------------(too much DA grease - greasy foods = GI upset)
  • on-off & wearing off phenomenon

2 - DA agonist ---- supporters of the dean
  • bromocriptine ------ (a bra for the dean)
  • pramipexole----------(p-cRAMming-PEcho viz: pecho=breast,  cramming breast to make it less cumbersome -> supporting DA's pecho) ==> too tight can cause back pain which is similar to renal problems
  • ropinirole -------------(ROPE-IN-a-ROLE => the dean always brings a rope with her to act in her role so that she can make sure things go greasy.)--- several drug-drug interactions (bc of corporal punishment from the rope => it creates a lot of controversies (drugdrug interactions)
  • rotigotine
- monotherapy for mild dz (just a supporter, not the real dean but enuf to have effects)
- or with DA 
- Side effects similar to DA BUT bc it's just a supporter, it's quickly prohibited in ppl with psychotic illness or active peptic ulcer (GI upset) while the DA dean can still create these side effects but NOT prohibited

3 - MAO-I 
  • Selegiline ----the sledgehammer (he smashes the MAOI bouncer when the bouncer tries to take the dopey dean out of the university 
  • rasagiline --- more potent than selegiline (raSAW-dze^`-lie^`n- more powerful to scare the bouncer who's trying to take the dopey dean out of the university  
rasagiline = very horror = very potent

  • inhibitor of the DA uptake pump => slows the uptake of DA
  • adjunct only ====> too horrific to be relied upon all the time. 

inhibits MOA, slows/prevents the breakdown of dopamine 

4 - COMT-I (Catechol-O-methyltransferase Inhibitor) (These COMPton guys actually the DA's bodyguards because they keep the DA from going to those peripheral neighborhood (periphery)). And, thus, DA is more present at the University.

  • entacapone----enta-CAPONE---(Enrique al Capone)
  • tolcapone------tol-CAPONE-----(Lev Tolstoy al Capone) --Liver toxic => pt to sign consent
  • entacapone combined with levodopa/carbidopa ----Stalevo

Mech.: Diminishes Levodopa levels in peripheral metabolism

  • => Levodopa is prolonged 
  • reduces levodopa by 30% 
  • adjunct w/ levodopa


  • al-CAPONE used to work as the bodyguard for the dean DA in the DA's neighborhood in COMPton. 
  • Al Capone is actually the DA's leader's of all of the body guards. 
  • Therefore,  all of body guards such as Enrique & lev Tolstoy takes over Al Capone last name. Therefore, they are called Tolcapone and Encapone. 
  • Lev Tolstoy comes from a communist country, therefore he risks being put in jail (liver) if he comes over to help the dean
Lev Tolstoy => Tol-Capone

5 - Amantadine ---(A cowboy riding a mantis)
Mech.: potentiates DA actions by some unclear mech.
Mnemonics: the cowboy threatens to let the Mantis dine on the dopey dean DA to make him work hard.

6 - Anti-Cholinergic:

  • benztropine ----(Park parks the Benz)
  • biperiden ------ bismuth periodic den scares the 3 musketeer cubs away because they can't deal with stuff requiring lots of concentration like that. 
  • diphenhydramine 
  • trihexyphenidyl ------ (3 hexes: the witch of three hexes. The 3 witches (hexes) put 3 hexes on the 3 musketeer cubs and restores the dopey dean DA to power => the three musketeer cubs (cholinergic) can't do anything with the 3 hexes on them)
  • improve tremor & rigidity----(musketeers cubs are gone making the dean less flustered (tremors) and rigid (displine, by the book). That's the way the dean is--- she has to be rigid and flustered around children)
  • littl effect on bradykinesia ----(muscketeers  cubs are gone but the dean is still old . So, it doesn't matter. She's still slow.)
  • titrate up until symptoms improve
  • taper slowly 
tri-hex-y-phenidyl = tri-hex = 3 hexes)

bi-peri-den = BIsmuth Peri den 

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