Wonder Me!
During my first clinical rotation, one of the areas I need to improve on is to conduct patient interview more efficiently.

Here's my example:

AIDET Method: Hi Mr. Lee. My name is Wonder Me! I understand that you are here for your physical. For that, I will conduct an interview intake and a physical assessment for you. I have been doing this for the past 5 years. Now I'm just practicing a little more as required for my NP program as I'm coming back to school to become an NP. I will then discuss your care with Dr. Smith to help manage your care. This should take about 20min if we both do it efficiently. Is this okay with you?

Five Step Patient-Centered Interviewing
Step 1. Set the stage for the interview (30–60 s)
  1. Welcome the patient
  2. Use the patient’s name
  3. Introduce yourself and identify specific role
  4. Ensure patient readiness and privacy
  5. Remove barriers to communication (sit down)
  6. Ensure comfort and put the patient at ease
Step 2. Elicit chief concern and set an agenda (1–2 min)
  1. Indicate time available
  2. Forecast what you would like to have happen in the interview
  3. Obtain a list of all issues the patient wants to discuss
  4. Summarize and finalize the agenda
Step 3. Begin the interview with non-focusing skills that help the patient to express herself (30–60 s)
  1. Start with open-ended request/question
  2. Use nonfocusing open-ended skills (attentive listening)
  3. Obtain additional data from nonverbal sources
Step 4. Use focusing skills to learn 3 things: Symptom Story, Personal Context, and Emotional Context (3–10 min)
  1. Elicit symptom story
  2. Elicit personal context
  3. Elicit emotional context
  4. Respond to feelings/emotions
  5. Expand the story
Step 5. Transition to middle of the interview (clinician-centered phase) (30–60 s)
  1. Brief summary
  2. Check accuracy
  3. Indicate that both content and style of inquiry will change if the patient is ready

Here's a good framework I've found:

AIDET® Five Fundamentals of Patient Communication
AcknowledgeBeing attentive and greeting the patient in a positive manner
IntroduceGiving your name, your role, and your
skill set
DurationGiving a reasonable time expectation
ExplanationMaking sure the patient is knowledgeable and informed
Thank youShowing appreciation to the patient
for her cooperation
Studer Group is the author and owner of this work. AIDET® is a trademark of Studer Group. Reprinted with permission.

Source: http://www.acog.org/Resources-And-Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-on-Health-Care-for-Underserved-Women/Effective-Patient-Physician-Communication heJLKAJDFLAJFLKJPDADFA
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