Wonder Me!
1.AmantadineMech.: potentiates DA actions by some unclear mech.
2.benztropine1st Anti-Cholinergic; parkinson's; improve tremor & rigidity; little effect on bradykinesia; titrate up until symptoms improve; taper slowly
3.biperiden2nd Anti-Cholinergic; parkinson's; improve tremor & rigidity; little effect on bradykinesia; titrate up until symptoms improve; taper slowly
4.bromocriptine1st drug in the monotherapy for mild dz; or combined with DA; Side effects similar to DA BUT bc it's just a supporter, it's quickly prohibited in ppl with psychotic illness or active peptic ulcer; parkinson's med
5.Carbidopa/Levodopametabolized to DA; Most effective; >75y/o; use with COMT/MAOI = longer effects; parkinson's med
6.diphenhydramine3rd Anti-Cholinergic; parkinson's; improve tremor & rigidity; little effect on bradykinesia; titrate up until symptoms improve; taper slowly
7.entacaponeCOMT-I; parkinson's med; Diminishes Levodopa levels in peripheral metabolism
8.pramipexole2nd drug in the monotherapy for mild dz; or combined with DA; Side effects similar to DA BUT bc it's just a supporter, it's quickly prohibited in ppl with psychotic illness or active peptic ulcer; parkinson's med
9.rasagilineMAO-I; more potent than selegiline; inhibitor of the DA uptake pump; adjunct only; parkinson's med
10.ropinirole3rd drug in monotherapy for mild dz; or combined with DA;Side effects similar to DA BUT bc it's just a supporter, it's quickly prohibited in ppl with psychotic illness or active peptic ulcer ; parkinson's med
11.SelegilineMAO-I; inhibitor of the DA uptake pump; adjunct only; parkinson's med
12.tolcaponeCOMT-I; Liver toxic => pt to sign consent; parkinson's med; Diminishes Levodopa levels in peripheral metabolism
13.trihexyphenidy4th Anti-Cholinergic; parkinson's; improve tremor & rigidity; little effect on bradykinesia; titrate up until symptoms improve; taper slowly
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