Wonder Me!

Source: http://www.usmleforum.com/files/forum/2011/1/595872.php
if it ends with (mab)..> means antibody therapy.
if it has (ali) in the name..> means it binds to the receptors..

1- omalizumab...> (ali) means binds to receptors.... it got (m) on it..>binds to Mast(M) cell receptors( also IgE which look like m when you flip it)
2-adalimumab..>(ali) means binds to receptors...it got (D)on it..>binds to Dumor (tumor) necrotic factor receptors(TNF)
3-Infliximab..>it got (INF in the begining)..>binds to INF(TNF tumor necrotic factor)
4-Palvizumab..> it got (V) on it...> anti RSV (got V on it)
5- abciximab..>it got (ABC in the begining)..> binds to IIB/IIIA
6-Trustzumab..>(trust)..>binds to HER-2 (can you trust her?? )
7-dacLIzumab..>it got (LI) on it...> binds to IL-2

if you have more please add them to the list
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