Wonder Me!
Peptic ulcer & GERD causes & treatment:
1 - H.Pylori => Tx: kill the microbe. Use Antibiotics
2 - Increased Hydro-Chloric secretions => Tx: reduce acid reductions. Use H2blockers & PPI & misoprotol
3 - Inadequate mucosal defense against acid secretions => Tx: agents to protect mucosa. Use Sucralfate & misoprotol
4 - If can't treat, manage symptoms of acid reflux => Use antacids (Ca, Mg, & Al) to neutralize acids & raise intragastric pH

**Immediate coating & HCl inhibition via H2 blockers: Antacid + Alginic acid (Gaviscon)
***Adjunct for GERD: dopamine receptors: Metoclopramide (Reglan)

Onset of actions:
Antacids -------------------1st--fast: min?
H2blockers-----------------2nd-med.: hrs?
PPI--------------------------3rd-med.: days?

Antacids -------------------Ca, Mg, Al,
H2blockers-----------------tidine = to dine
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