Wonder Me!
drug class: opioid receptor antagonist
use: constipation due to opioid use but contraindicated in suspected GI obstruction

Mnemonics: Naloxegol the naloxone that makes you go go go. Use for constipation in non-cancer pts (go go go). Naloxone - antagonist of opioid.

My conjecture for why Naloxegol is contraindicated in GI obstruction because of its abilities to make the intestine work so hard that more fecal matters from the upper parts of the GI obstructed region get moved to the GI obstructed region. This makes the matter worse -> causing GI perforation (this is my hypothesis, i couldn't look up in anywhere for the reason why)

Mnemonics for contraindications: Naloxegol the naloxone that makes you go go go that shouldn't be used when your tunnel is so obstructed as more cars are gonna be moved towards the jammed tunnel causing the perforation of the tunnel!  

MOA: https://www.movantikhcp.com/about-movantik/mechanism-of-action.html
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