Wonder Me!
Ppt indication: prophylaxis & treatment of chronic constipation
Ppt drug class: osmotic laxative

Wonder Me's mnemonics: Lactulose the lactating one => osmotic agent. Lactulose lactating causes so much fluid that it floods the tunnel causing the impacted cars (constipation) to move.

MOA (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactulose): It is a disaccharide (double-sugar) formed from one molecule each of the simple sugars (monosaccharidesfructose and galactoseLactulose is not absorbed in the small intestine nor broken down by human enzymes, thus stays in the digestive bolus through most of its course, causing retention of water through osmosis leading to softer, easier to pass stool. It has a secondary laxative effect in the colon, where it is fermented by the gut flora, producing metaboliteswhich have osmotic powers and peristalsis-stimulating effects (such as acetate), but also methane associated with flatulenceLactulose is metabolized in the colon by bacterial flora to short chain fatty acids including lactic acid and acetic acid. These partially dissociate, acidifying the colonic contents (increasing the H+ concentration in the gut).[14] 

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