Wonder Me!
Drug class: Stool surfactant (stool softener)
Use: only used for prevention of constipation, not for treatment of constipation

MOA: Emollient laxatives, also known as stool softeners, are anionic surfactants that enable additional water and fats to be incorporated in the stool, making it easier for them to move through the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Site of action: small and large intestines
  • Onset of action: 12–72 hours
  • Examples: docusate (Colace, Diocto), Gibs-Eze[3]
Emollient agents should be taken with plenty of water. Emollient agents prevent constipation rather than treat long-term constipation.[3]

Wonder me's mnemonics for docusate : Docusate the doc-u-soap soaping your stool make it smooth with water on it.  Doc-u-soap is only good for prevention because it's better to have a little soap here and there to move the cars that's not jammed when it's all jammed cars (constipation), doc-u-soap is not enough oil! 

~Wonder me
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