Wonder Me!
. asthma: hallmark of asthma is inflammation. Therefore, u should  use corticocosteroids for long term control. Mostly ICS because you don't want too much systemic corticosteroids unless really bad. Therefore, if you just use albuterol and a LABA without ICS (inhaler corticosteroids), you increase mortaliity in asthma patients.
. COPD: tho it's still inflammation, you want to do mostly bronchodilators => therefore, besides
. Short-term bronchodilators for all difficulty breathing patients: albuterol & ipratropium to help out more.
. Pneumonia: most common cause is strep pneumonia. For healthy patients, just start on macrolides such as z-pak which is for atypical bacterias and mycoplasm. Mycoplasm is mostly a walking pneumonia pt. For pt with HTN/diabetes/ over 65 y/o, you want to start on atypical & typical antibiotics. Instead of using 2 pills of beta-lactam & macrolides, you can just use...
. Heart failure: you wanna use Diuretics, ACE-I (or ARB), and beta blockers for long-term use.
. Acute heart failure: Milrinone & Dobutamine. Don't use Dobutamine and Beta blockers together

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