Wonder Me!
Alvimopan is indicated in people to avoid postoperative ileus following partial large or small bowel resection with primary anastomosis. Alvimopan accelerates the gastrointestinal recovery period as defined by time to first bowel movement or flatus. Alvimopan is only approved for short term use of no more than 15 doses. It is available on an inpatient basis at institutions approved by and registered with the Entereg Access Support and Education (E.A.S.E.) program. A person should receive no more than 15 doses Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvimopan

Drug class: Opioid receptors antagonists
Use: accelerates GI recovery period by preventing post-op ileus following small/large bowel resection. Tho, it has serious side effects such as MI - therefore must be in REMS.

Mnemonics: Alvimopan - Alvin the chipmonk bans opioid pan pan pan! Because it ferociously bangs opioid it could cause mI in those who sees it!!! Be careful when you see Alvimopan!

Mnemonics for Alvimopan REMS: Alvimopan causes pan pan pan in the heart MI => you'll only use it in REMS sleep stages most of the time (hospitalized)

Mnemoncis for Alvimopan contraindication in liver ESRD disease: Alvimopan is banned in gan

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