Wonder Me!
Source: https://np.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2zyf5a/eli5_why_does_diarrhea_come_so_quickly_when_food/cpnq0wx?context=3

So your bowels are like a long train track and your food is like a set of cars on the track. Transit time between Point A, your mouth, and Point B, the chute, is a bit flexible but normally operates on a regularly scheduled basis.
When you eat, you put cars on the track and send them to Point B. As these cars go to Point B, they lose passengers (nutrients) at various points in the thin tunnel portion (small intestine). The journey isnt complete and the journey has already altered the shape of the car pretty significantly giving a rusty color. Once in the larger portion of the tunnel, the cars are checked for stray passengers and are hosed down a bit so that transition out of Point B isn't so bad. Sometimes, the train cars park juuust outside the gates of Point B so they can exit at the best time for the operator (toilet).

Wonder Me's constipation analogy: Constipation occurs when either the stool itself is too hard, i.e., the cars have no oil to really work. Therefore, you'll need agent to work on the stool. Or, it could be because of the track (the intestinal wall itself) that's malfunctioning. So, you'll need agents to work on the track too. 
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