Wonder Me!

Mnemonics:  Vedette Natalie inflicted an AyayaDA certificate on those with IBD. (Remember Natalie had diarrhea? Remember she brought in all of those new ADA - American Diabetes Association carb count list?)

Vedette => vedolizumab
Natalie => natalizumab
Inflicted => infliximab
AyayaDA => adalimumab
certificate => certolizumab

mab => injections only (remember my bf says: noo my allergies are not that bad to be on Omalizumba. Isn't that one an injection? Also it's so expensive!!!!)

Natalizumab =>   REMS for PML.
Mnemonics: Natalie's getting older with white hair in different spots on her head (PML: Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy)

Certolizumab/Natalizumab => for Crohn's disease only.
Mnemonics: C for C  as Certolizumab for Crohn's Natalie likes to inflict so it's she always has to go with C.

PPD prior to therapy to r/o TB? => Remember how Natalie always is very strict on TB? Need to administer PPD prior to therapy (prior to registration!)

~Wonder Me~

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