Wonder Me!
bone = minerals = calcium + phosphates
Cells in bones that are making new bones & destroying old bones = laying down cement to make a road & cutting up and shaking up the old roads => needs to rebuild every once in a while
Same progenitor = osteoClasts/osteoBlasts
Bone resorption = osteoClasts
Low calcium = body will resorb bones to correct hypoglycemia
Need calcium in blood for muscle & heart & lots of things

Denosumab needs to make bones, & they are osteoclasts. So, they'll need to break bones. If you are already hypocalcemia, the body needs to break bones to build new bones & also need to break bones to provide more bones in the blood => need to correct for hypocalcemia

bone turnover =  body still needs to find the balance btw bone resorption & bone clast.

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