Wonder Me!

- Electrolyte imbalances
- Acid/Base problem
- Hypoxia
- Temporary or permanent pacing (LOOK FOR THEIR PACEMAKER. If they depend on their pacemaker to fire and it's not working, they probably have permanently slow heart rate! Need the pace maker to be fixed!)

None if asymptompatic

If symptomatic (hypotensive, keeps passing out), then:
1 - atropine (atropine is a parasympatholytic, therefore, it will pace the heart making it beat faster; However, be careful not to use atropine on patients with MI because pt will go to V-Tach with the increased myocardial demand workload and oxygen,

2 - pacer, (SA node is not working right, may need pacer)

3 - r/o vagal problem esp. in children bc they like to hold their breath and thus getting into fainting issues a lot!)

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