Wonder Me!

  • Immunization
HepA - 2-dose series for travelers, usu. those coming from Southeast Asian may not need it since they usually already have the immunity
HepB - Engerix 1mL - VIS Feb 02 2012 - 3-dose series
HPV - 3 dose series 
Tdap 0.5mL - VIS Feb 24 2015 - once every 10 years
Fluvirin (flu vax for <65 y/o) - VIS 08-07-2015 - once every year starting Sep
Fluad (flu vax for >65y/o)  - once every year starting Sep
Pneumovax (pneumonia for >=65 y/o) - once every q5 yrs
Prevnar (pneumonia for >=65 y/o) - once in a lifetime
Zostavax - once every 10 years

  • TB screen
TB 0.1mL or 10 units in insulin syringe 

  • Insomnia
Hydroxyzine 25mg take PO QHS PRN 30 pills No refills

  • Hyperlipidemia
Atorvastatin 20 or 40mg 

  • Hypertension
Losartan 50mg
  • Rash
Mild: Triamcinolone 80mcg x2 times a day 1 application to the affected area 2x daily
Severe: Fluocinolone
Fungal: Clotrimazole 1% & Betamethasone 0.05% 45g

  • Allergy
Loratadine 10mg 1 tab daily 30 tabs
Fluticasone 50mcg 2 sprays nasal daily refill:2 Quantity:1

  • Inflammation pain
Ibuprofen 400 mg 240tabs
(Children: 154lbs/2.2 = 70kg *10 = 700mg)

  • Cough
Promethazine DM 
Benzonatate (Tenson Perles) 200mg oral capsule 1 capsul PO q8hrs pprn Refill: 0 Quantity: 60 pills

  • Severe nasal Nasal d/c unrelieved with Flonase nasal spray & Loratadine:    
Pseudoephedrine HCl 60 MG Oral Tablet Sig: Take 1 tablet (60 mg) by mouth every 6 hours as needed. Refill: 0. Quality:50
Triprolidine & Pseudoephedrine (Aprodine) 2.5-60 MG Oral Tablet Sig: 1 tab po qhs prn

  • Restless leg syndrome
Ropiniole 0.5mg tabs - 0.25mgx2, 0.5mgx3. RTCin 1 week for evaluation 

  • Antiemetic patch
Scopolamine patch good for 72 hrs

  • Menopause symptoms
Estroven OTC 
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