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Screening for BE may be considered in men with chronic (>5 years) and/or frequent (weekly or more) symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn or acid regurgitation) and two or more risk factors for BE or EAC. These risk factors include: age >50 years, Caucasian race, presence of central obesity (waist circumference >102 cm or waist–hip ratio >0.9), current or past history of smoking, and a confirmed family history of BE or EAC (in a first-degree relative) (strong recommendation, moderate level of evidence).

 Given the substantially lower risk of EAC in females with chronic GER symptoms (when compared with males), screening for BE in females is not recommended. However, screening could be considered in individual cases as determined by the presence of multiple risk factors for BE or EAC (age >50 years, Caucasian race, chronic and/or frequent GERD, central obesity: waist circumference >88 cm, waist–hip ratio >0.8, current or past history of smoking, and a confi rmed family history of BE or EAC (in a fi rst-degree relative)). (strong recommendation, low level of evidence).

  Screening of the general population is not recommended (conditional recommendation, low level of evidence).

 Before screening is performed, the overall life expectancy of the patient should be considered, and subsequent

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