Wonder Me!

Hypoxia: Need oxygenation => CPR rescue breaths
Hypovolemia: Bleeding => stop bleeding

Hypothermia: Warm core T
Hypoglycemia: Blood sugar check & Glucagon/Dextrose

Hyperkalemia/Hypokalemia: Hyperkalemia = sodium bicarb, calcium chloride, insulin with glucose
H+ (hydrogen ion - acidosis): Tox screening, sodium bicarb

Qt tip to remember all H's:
1- ABC from CPR: Hypoxia, Hypovolemia.
2- Then, vital signs: Hypothermia (T) & Blood Sugar check.
3- And, finally, Potassium - K+ = very important part of the heart (Sorry the following very disturbing, read at your own risks: inmates are sentenced to death sentences by being put to death with K+ infusion. K+ imbalances can cause deaths!). When you think about Potassium K+ electrolyte, you need to think about the H+ since H+ is also a positive ion.


Tension pneumothorax: chest tube thoracotomy
Thrombosis (pulmonary - PE): heparin, fibrinolytics

Tamponade (cardiac): pericardiocentesis
Thrombosis (coronary - STEMI/MI): fibrinolytics, heparin

Tablets/Toxins: tox screen, use antidotes
Trauma (Commotio cordis): CPR

Qt tip to remember all T's:
1 - ABC from CPR: Tension pneumothorax, Thrombosis - pulmonary; Then Tamponade (cardiac), thrombosis (coronary - STEMI/MI)
2 - Drugs & trauma: seem to go together?

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