Wonder Me!
Graphic as a way to memorize, sorry if it seems vulgar. thanks

Tanner 1 - First (prepubertal) stage has no genital development
Tanner 2 - 2 enlarged testicles
Tanner 3 - Penis elongates (viz: the tip of the penis elongates as the the shape of the mid point of the letter '3' looking sideway)
Tanner 4 - Penis increases in girth (Viz: #4 has a little more girth than previous #'s)
Tanner 5 - adult state

Beginning with Tanner 2, you simply spell out the word breast (BR-EA-S-T)
Tanner 1 Prepubertal stage
Tanner 2 BReast lumps or breast buds
Tanner 3 Elevation (or Enlargement) of the areola so that breast and areola continue to grow as 1 mound
Tanner 4 Separation of the the breast tissue mounds ast eh areola becomes a smaller mound on top of the larger breast mound
tanner 5 Total breast development - adult-sized breasts & completed breast growth

PUBIC HAIR DEVELOPMENT: (same as male & female)
Tanner 1: Prepubertal; no pubic hair
Tanner 2: Viz just 2 little hairs, very fine, with few, if any, curls
Tanner 3: Dark, coarse, curly hairs viz curly 3s
Tanner 4: Viz the triangle in #4 completely filled iwth black
Tanner 5: Viz Roman numeral 'V', with hair spreading laterally onto the medial aspects of the thighs

~By Qt (collected and revised from internet) (Copy okay with credits)
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