Source: & Leik & Hollier
@Birth: B ---there's only one HepB vax
Visit every 2 months:
@2mo: 2 B DR. HIP (@ 2mo: HepB, DTaP, Rotavirus, Hib, IPV, PCV)
@4mo: 4 DR. HIP (@4mo: DTap, Rotavirus, IPV, PCV)
@6mo: B DR. HIP In 6mo (HepB, Dtap, Rotavirus, Influenza, PCV in 6mo)
12mo - 18mo: 1 MAD HPV (MMR, HepA, Dtap, Hib, PCV, Varicella)
2yo: n/a
3yo: n/a
4-6yo: VERY DIM between 4-6pm (Varicella, Dtap, IPV, MMR)
11-12yo: Tada! Human! Men! (TdaP, HPV, Meningoccocal)
16-18yo: Men get boosted!
B: Hep B
R: Rotavirus
H: Hib
A: HepA
V or Very: Varicella
Tada: TdaP
Human: HPV
Men: MCV
NOTE for California elementary school entry: (by Qt)
Hep B: needs 3 doses (Mnemonics: Hep B = B = Bday = given at Birth, then 2 mo. later, than 4 mo. later (@ birth, 2,6 = 3 doses)
DTaP: needs 5 doses (DR HIP, DR HIP, DR HIP, MAD HPV, & Very DIM)
IPV: needs 4 doses (DR HIP, DR HIP, DR HIP, & Very DIM)
Varicella & MMR: needs 2 doses (Varicella & MMR: live vaccines = must be given after 1 yo (@12mo & @5yo generally speaking)
MCV & HPV: not given until middle school generally
Misc notes (Vax not required for school):
Influenze not given until 6mo and older
R = Rotavirus = only given at very young age, during first few initial visits (@2,4,6mo)
HepA = given @ 1 MAD HPV
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