Wonder Me!
USE: for mania in bipolar

MECHANISM: modulates Na+ of nerve & muscle cells => reduces manic episodes. It's highly attracted to thyroid gland and thus causes hypothyroidism.

  • Vulnerable population:
    •  Women: effective birth controls => D category for pregnancy & lactating
    • Elderly: lower dosage
    • Adolescents: FDA approved for >12 y/o
  • Organs:
    • Heart - arrhythmias & hypotension
    • Neuro - impaired thought process & drowsiness
    • Skin - hives, acne, alopecia, eruption of psoriasis

  1. Renal (BUN, Cr, GFR q3 mo.)-----Need to drink lots of water due to risk of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
  2. Thyroid (TSH) ----Similar to Iodine, Lithium as a chemical element is also attracted to thyroid
  3. Monitor blood level ---- Narrow therapeutic index, Toxicity is closely related to serum lithium concentrations and may occur at dosages close to therapeutic levels; monitor therapy by measuring serum lithium

Metabolism: Not metabolized (Therefore, not worried about Liver function).----it cannot be further broken down, kinda similar to Sodium
Elimination: Renal (Check renal function)

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