Wonder Me!
 Source: Some of my diet mnemonics. ;)

CARBOHYDRATES (MFavorite Game is Volleyball)
Milk, Fruits, Grains, Veggies

CHOLESTEROL (A Sedentary Lifestyle Ends)
animal products, shellfish, liver and organ meat, egg yolks

SATURATED FATS (LasVegas Bars Beats Hollywood)
luncheon meats, beef, butter, hard yellow cheeses

POLYUNSATURATED FATS - plant oils (corn, safflower, sunflower)

PROTEINS (Proteins BuilD Fearless Men)
poultry, bread and cereals, dairy products, fish, meats (w/c has complete proteins/contains all essential amino acids)

FOLIC ACID (FOOL) fish, organ meats, oranges, leafy green veggies

NIACIN, THIAMINE (B1), RIBOFLAVIN (B2) - (Gain Money & Lives Forever)
grains, meats (pork), legumes, fish

PYRIDOXINE (B6) - (YMCP) * remember, isoniazid(INH) increase B6 intake; levodopa decrease B6 intake
yeast, meat (fish), corn, poultry

meat, liver + citrus fruits, dried beans, brewer's yeast

VITAMIN C - (CCTB) citrus fruits (strawberries, oranges, kiwi), cabbage, tomato, broccoli

VITAMIN A - (Eye Must Feel Very Lively)
egg yolk, milk (whole), fruits, veggies (lively - green, orange, yellow), liver

VITAMIN D- (Cute MilkFish Oil)
cereals, milk (fortified), fish, oils

VITAMIN E - antioxidants (ANTOV)
apple, avocado, apricot
tomato, potato
oils, vegetable
veggies, green and leafy

VITAMIN K (greens) green leafy veggies, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, brussels

POTASSIUM (K+) *Remember Vitamin K-clotting factor; K/Potassium-electrolyte!!
think of rainbow colorsRed - strawberry, tomato (but not apple!!)
Orange - oranges, cantaloupe, carrots, apricot
Yellow - banana, potato
Green - avocado, kiwi
Blue from blue sea - fish
I/V Indigo/Violet - raisins
+ salt substitutes

SODIUM (Na) Think of: Fast foods/processed, saltwater fish, canned foods

CALCIUM (Ca) Think of: Dairy and Creamy (cheese, collar greens, milk, rhubarb, tofu, yogurt, etc

milk, meat
avocado, potato
greens (spinach, broccoli)
nuts, peas
etc. (raisins, yogurt)
tuna, canned & white

organ meats - pork, beef, chicken
grains (whole)

IRON (Fe) think of: Iron is found in the blood, you inject meds w/ a syringe, and a syringe has a BEVELed needle
Breads & cereals
Veggies (dark green)
Egg yolk
Lliver meat
*Orange juice increases Fe absorption via PO

Tuna fish
Yeast, yogurt
ROH - chemical symbols for alcohol or if you like Rum
Cheese, swiss; caffeine
Soy sauce, sausages, sour cream
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