Wonder Me!

names based on chemical structures: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/263863198_fig1_Fig-1-Chemical-structures-of-D-dCTP-L-dCTP-3TC-TP-FTC-TP-lamivudine

The majority of patients currently accessing ARVs are prescribed lamivudine (3TC). However, the FDC will contain FTC. FTC and 3TC are structurally very similar, FTC having just one additional fluorine molecule.

more than 80 percent of people who have HIV take at least one of the drugs invented by Emory professors Ray Schinazi, Dennis Liotta, and researcher Woo-Baeg Choi, PhDs. In the early 1990s, Schinazi, an infectious disease and antiviral expert, Liotta, a chemist, and Choi announced the discovery of an unusual molecule, FTC (emtricitabine, sold alone as Emtriva®, with the "Em" standing for Emory) and a chemically similar compound, 3TC (lamivudine, sold alone as Epvir®). Both drugs are in the class known as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, which works against the enzyme that copies HIV RNA into new viral DNA. "Everyone was intrigued but skeptical about our work—no one realized the importance of what we had found," Schinazi says. The two were determined however, and applied for grants that enabled further research. "We pushed Emory University very hard file patent applications to protect these inventions (FTC and 3TC). Emory finally did, and received the rewards less than ten years later." These rewards, in fact, ultimately would include a $540 million deal, the largest royalty sale in the history of higher education. FTC was licensed in 1996 to Triangle Pharmaceuticals, a biotech company founded by Schinazi in 1995. In 1999 and again in 2002, Emory resolved patent disputes with various third parties to consolidate intellectual property rights and thereby clear the path to market for FTC. In 2003, Gilead acquired Triangle for $482 million and in the same year, FTC was approved by the FDA. Shire and GlaxoSmithKline jointly licensed Emory's patents related to 3TC, which drug is contained in at least 5 products. In 2005, Gilead Sciences and Royalty Pharma signed a deal with Emory to buy its royalty interest for FTC for $525 million. Gilead paid Emory an additional $15 million to alter the terms of the license as it relates to the company’s plans for developing the compound for use against another disease. Emory College and the School of Medicine were major beneficiaries of the $540 million sale, along with the Departments of Chemistry and Pediatrics and the laboratories of Liotta and Schinazi. Choi left Emory to found the drug-discovery company FOB Synthesis Inc. The three scientists shared 40 percent of the sale. In August, 2004, Gilead obtained approval for Truvada®, a fixed-dose combination of Emtriva® and Viread®. Then, in July 2006, Gilead and Bristol-Myers-Squibb gained approval for the first once-a-day, single tablet regimen for adults with HIV— Atripla® —from the FDA. Atripla® is intended as a stand-alone therapy or in combination with other antiretrovirals. By combining the three drugs efavirenz (Sustiva®), emtricitabine (Emtriva®) and tenofovir disoporxil fumarate (Viread®), Atripla® reduces pill burden and simplifies dosing schedules, thereby easing compliance, storage, transport, and distribution. In North America and Europe, Atripla® is marketed jointly by Gilead and BMS, but in much of the developing world, marketing and distribution is handled by Merck & Co. Merck announced that it will lower the cost of the drug in countries with high HIV prevalence, and will use a sliding scale based on each country’s wealth. This year, it is registering Atripla® in forty-five countries in the Middle East and Africa and in nine countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. "If you calculate in terms of number of days that these drugs have saved for persons with HIV, it's in the billions," Schinazi says. "It's very gratifying to see that our work has helped so much and so many people all over the world. HIV is no longer a death sentence."

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