Wonder Me!
First, make a chart with four columns. Label them BIRTH, 2mo, 4mo, and 6mo. In each column, you will have 1 vaccination, 6 vaccinations, 5, and 6 respectively. (I just remember 1,6,5,6).

The only vaccine at birth is HEP B. At two months, you get Hep B, IPV, Dtap, Pneumo, Rota, and Hib (6 vaccines). 4 months, you get all of them except Hep B (5 vaccines). 6 months you get all of them, just remember Hep B and IPV can range anywhere from 6-18 months (6 vaccines at 6 months, plus remembering the ranges for Hep B and IPV...this is why I write them first!)

Hopefully that made sense.

Now I remember the letters H,P,M,D (I remember this by saying Hewlett Packard, M.D. (as in doctor) haha.

Hib 12-15 months
Pneumo 12-18 mo
MMR 12-18 mo
Dtap 15-18 mo

I remember the numbers by saying that the first three have 12's on the right side, last three have 18's on the left side, and 15s in the corners.

Now for 4-6years I remember DIM (as in Dtap, IPV, and MMR).

Hopefully that helps, I know it seems like a lot but definitely better than just trying to memorize!

From: http://allnurses.com/nclex-discussion-forum/mnemonics-for-pediatric-655583.html

Dunno how helpful this will be to others, but I simply could NOT just randomly memorize the schedule (or I refused to), so I came up w/ this mnemonic a few min ago... I just wrote this off memory, so I think it works ;)

1) The mnemonic is to memorize them in the order I found logical (following a pattern, and simply adding to the pattern as you go along).

2) The first two H's are in alphabetical order, in case you forget the order.

3) The double "M's" in the last word are to remind you of "MMR"

HHating PeDs Immunization/Vaccination MmeHMorizing (lol)

Hep B:....... 0, 2, 6
HiB: ......... 2, 4, 6, 12 - 15
Pneumo: ... 2, 4, 6, 12 - 15
DTaP:....... 2, 4, 6, 15 - 18, 4 - 6 yrs, Td X 10 yrs
IPV: ........ 2, 4, 6,............ 4 - 6 yrs
Varicella:.............. 12 - 15
MMR: .................. 12 - 15, 4 - 6 yrs
Hep A: ..... 2 yrs
Mening: ... 11 - 12 yrs (or school)

Should take less than 30 seconds to write out, and you can refer back to it anytime during the exam...

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