Wonder Me!

o remember how to distinguish the fibula from the tibia, consider the “fib” and “l” parts of the word fibula. To tell a small lie is to fib. The fibula is smaller than the tibia, and is also lateral to it.
To remember where the talus is located, think that the talus is on top of the foot and articulates with the tibia.

Fibula vs. tibia: which is the bigger one

People talk of telling just a “little white lie”, or a “little fib”:
Therefore, the fibula is smaller.
• Alternatively: TIBia is the Thicker Inner Bone.
• Alternatively: “Little lat FIB, big fat TIB”.

Tibia & Fibula

Fragile: The Fibula is thin & fragile
Thick: Tibia is thick 
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