Wonder Me!
-olol: beta blocker
Lopressor: Low pressure

Blocks Beta1 selectively

HTN ---- by blocking catecholamine-induced increases => reducing heart rate, blood pressure, and contractile force => reduce HTN
Tachycardia----by blocking catecholamine-induced increases in heart rate => reduces tachy
SVT ---- beta-blocker => inhibits adrenergic activation of cardiac pacemaker potentials => slows conduction thru AV node => depresses sinus node automaticity => suppresses AV nodal conduction =>  SVT responds well to beta-blockers (1)

Metoprolol: Me top pro olol:  top = SVT & beta1 selective, pro = tachy & hyper

Me-top-pro-olol => me on top to help you with your SVT, tachy & hyper. I'm female = beta but I'm #1 => beta 1

(1) Kowey PR, Friehling TD, & Marinchak RA: Electrophysiology of beta blockers in supraventricular arrhythmias. Am J Cardiol 1987; 60(suppl):32D-38D.
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