Wonder Me!
Name: gly-co-PYRRO-late

Mnemonics for name: While the 3 musketeers (Muscarinic receptors) were out about to eat. A big glycogen-coated pyrro ball was thrown at them. The big glycogen ball (sugar-coated) ball because sugar as source of energy is needed for the fuel of the fire pyrro ball. It was actually containing Pyrro (fire as in pyrotechniques) that causes too hot for the musketeers (muscarinic antagonist = inhibits Musketeers) to even able to salivate for the foods there were hunting for.

Receptors: Anticholinergics/Muscarinic antagonists

Use: in anesthesia => decrease secretions during anesthesia

Glycogen-coated Sugar ball of fire (pyrro)

3 musketeers were about to dine and salivate
3 musketeers about to eat

But then the Glycogen-coated pyro fire ball was thrown at them thwarted their salivation

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