Wonder Me!
-DA, alpha 1 & beta 1

DOPamin => DA receptor => kidney perfusion
alpha 1 => DOPE = alpha 1 (the horse was doped before the race") => vasoconstriction
Beta 1 => Increased heart rate 

- at high dose, dobutamine starts to have strong alpha1 effects (5) (6):
20-50 mcg/kg/min IV (high dose): May increase blood pressure and stimulate vasoconstriction; may not have a beneficial effect in blood pressure; may increase risk of tachyarrhythmias (6)

- Low dose: does not cause vasoconstriction like other drugs such as Epinephrine, PhenylEpi or NorEpi can cause strong vasodilation even at low doses. For this reason, do NOT ever give epi or phenylEpi or NORepi for IV. Otherwise, you may kill the patient's arms/limbs with continuous infusions. Epi only given IM for this reason. Dopamine can be given IV low-dose. It is helpful to give IV dopamine in pt suddenly crashes while waiting to have a central line put in for NorEpi. NorEpi can be given in central line because central line goes straight to the inferior vena cava, not to the small veins causing strong vasoconstriction . Epi can be given as IV push for code blue but ur risking arrhythmias. Used to be given inhalation in asthma but can cause arrhythmias in children therefore albuterol was invented to prevent this. Inhaled epi used to be sold over the counter which was a problem bc it's arrthymics (Pramatene), but it's now retracted from the market due to it's being bad for the ozone due to its propellant, it's also has a alcohol, ur breathing in alcohol, not as safe as albuterol, pt used to buy it without having to go to the doctor making the doctor thinks the pt did not need albuterol that much but in fact pt is taking pramatene bc doctor only asks about albuterol. SubQ for hemostasis for suturing to. (my bf's)
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