Wonder Me!
I'm upset. I did well on my quiz#1 including 1 very difficult question. I didn't get it right because I arbitrarily guess it right, I reasoned it. I learned it. I memorized it. I spent hours and hours trying really hard to study it all. Only to get punished by 0.04% because they threw 1 question away. That's unfair. I'm just going to document it all and I will contest if it amounts the point that my grades suffer to lower next grade. They can't throw a right question and make my grade suffer. I know it's just 0.04% but it costs me sleepless nights, gym days went missing, coffee, dedication and devotion... I wanted to pride myself on really know the materials right and do better on others. I guess I need to strategize my approach. It sucks.
~Wonder Me!
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