Wonder Me!
"Receptors Alpha1 receptors are primarily located on the peripheral blood vessels. Stimulation of these receptors results in vasoconstriction and elevation of systemic blood pressures" (1) 

Mnemonic 1:
Alpha loop from 1 string => constricting when activated => alpha 1
alpha 1 loop = activated => constricted

Mnemonic 2:
Mnemonics: Alpha #1 male = professional suit; red tie = blood vessel; pulled tie = constricted neck blood vessel
=> alpha 1 = vasoconstriction (alpha 1 male still gets defeated by females with vasoconstriction)

(1): https://books.google.com/books?id=knvfWlSFYPIC&pg=PA16&dq=alpha+1+receptors+blood+vessels&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkrL_dif7LAhUM0mMKHcmuBycQ6AEIUTAI#v=onepage&q=alpha%201%20receptors%20blood%20vessels&f=false

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